Our Impact Metrics

Impact tracking on closing the $4B funding & 150,000 CHW gap

Institutionalized and Recognized Community Health Workers

Cumulative Resources mobilized to date ($US)

Governments supported by FAH at National and Subnational levels

*Resources tracked total are cumulative to date;
*Institutionalized: formally recognized and government paid CHWs;
Recognized: government-acknowledged, but paid by implementing partners.

We currently measure and cumulatively track the following impact metrics:

Finances focused:

Financing mobilized directly through FAH support and collaboratively through partnerships towards community health cumulatively – ranging from domestic, private sector and donor agency sources. To date, the FAH has mobilized USD 360M+ in funding for community health through direct support to governments and collaborative efforts with various ecosystem partners

Number of community workers institutionalized and recognized

The number of CHWs formally recognized by governments and/or institutionalized by inclusion on the payroll. Since inception, the FAH has supported the institutionalization and recognition of 455,000+ CHWs through direct support as well as collaborative efforts as part of an ecosystem of partners

Who we are

Our Vision

Our Team

Our Board, Advisory Council and Government Advisory Group

Our Story

Our Partners

What we do

Country Engagement

Country Engagement

Africa Frontline First Initiative (AFF)

Corporate Sponsored and Revenue Generating Models

Community Health Financing Compendium

Bellagio Innovative Finance Workshop

Insights & Resources

Celebrating Everyday Heroes

Community Health Financing Hub

Knowledge & Advocacy

Case Studies and Publications

Online Course Series

Newsletter subscription