by mfc_admin | Dec 9, 2021 | Thought Leadership
FAH is a partnership established in 2016 that works with governments on financing strategies for primary and community health systems that operate at scale and are financially sustainable over time. To learn more about our work, please visit our online knowledge...
by mfc_admin | Dec 1, 2020 | Thought Leadership
Public funds are the anchor/ foundation for sustainable UHC financing. Public financial management (PFM) capabilities are critical in ensuring that funds are well-utilized and meet taxpayer’s health needs. The PFM system is the set of rules and institutions governing...
by mfc_admin | Dec 1, 2020 | Thought Leadership
As of 2013, there was a global shortage of 17 million health workers who could provide essential primary health care services. The highest shortage of workers is felt in Africa and South-East Asia. WHO projects that by 2030, there will still be a huge deficit,...
by mfc_admin | Nov 14, 2020 | In the News, Thought Leadership
Prevention and control should be at the center of NCD care to reduce the susceptibility of those at risk and to ensure the healthy remain healthy. – Dr. Bachani. Former Deputy Commissioner of NCDs, Ministry of Health, India According to the World Health...
by mfc_admin | Nov 14, 2020 | Thought Leadership
By: Dr. Shreya Kangovi, Founding Executive Director, Penn Centre for CHWs and Claire Qureshi, Vice President, Frontline Delivery, Office of the UN Secretary General’s Special Envoy for Health. Each day, Agnes serves her community in Liberia, supporting pregnant...
by mfc_admin | Aug 14, 2020 | Thought Leadership
We live in extraordinary times. In 1960, 22.2% of all children in developing countries – one out of every five – died before the age of 5. Today, we are within reach of ending preventable child deaths. Across developing countries, when compared with fifty...